Planets in Our Galaxy Crossword Puzzle

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Planets in Our Galaxy Crossword Puzzle

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  • venus : what planet has the diameter of 12,104 km
  • moons : jupiter has 67 _
  • venus : what planet is 67.2 million miles from the sun
  • mars : what planet has the diameter of 6787 km
  • eight : how many planets are in our galaxy
  • neptune : what planet is 2,794.4 million miles from the sun
  • mars : what planet has the mass of 6.42 x 10 to the power or 23
  • smallest : mercury is the _ in our solar system
  • sulphuric : venus's clouds are made of _ acid
  • uranus : what planet has the diameter of 51,118 km
  • neptune : what planet has the diameter of 49,528 km
  • saturn : what planet has the diameter of 120,660 km
  • neptune : what planet has the mass of 1.02 x 10 to the power of 26
  • rapid : jupiter, saturn, uranus and neptune is made is of hydrogen & helium, has many moons, low densities, lots of satellites and _ rotation
  • uranus : what planet has the mass of 8.68 x 10 to the power of 25
  • jupiter : what planet has the mass of 1.90 x 10 to the power of 27
  • slow : mercury, venus, earth and mars is made or rock & metal, have few or no moons, no rings,high densities, a few satellites and _ rotation
  • venus : what planet has the mass of 4.87 x 10 to the power of 24