Neutron Stars Crossword Puzzle

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Neutron Stars Crossword Puzzle

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  • pulsar : when the poles of a spinning neutron star sweep past the earth, we call it a _ .
  • magnetar : a neutron star with an extra strong magnetic field is called a _
  • neutronium : anything made of all neutrons (like a neutron start) is said to be made of _ .
  • starquake : this is when the crust of a neutron star snaps and releases massive amounts of energy.
  • chandrasekhar : 1.4 solar masses is known as the _ limit.
  • neutron : stars with between 8-20 solar masses end their lives in a supernova with a _ star at the core.
  • strong : neutron degeneracy pressure is essentially the result of the _ nuclear force.
  • exclusion : another factor contributing to neutron degeneracy pressure is the pauli _ principle.
  • capture : when a proton and electron combine to form a neutron it is known as electron _ .
  • degeneracy : neutron _ pressure prevents further collapse of a neutron star.
  • protons : in a neutron star _ and electrons are crushed together to form neutrons.
  • electron : recall that _ degeneracy pressure keeps the core of a white dwarf star from collapsing.
  • repels : the strong nuclear force attracts and _