The Universe & Space Crossword Puzzle

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QUESTIONS LIST: black hole: an object that has gravity so strong that even light can't escape it, galaxy: a group of millions or billions of stars and planetary systems which are held together by gravity, light year: a unit of astronomical distance that is used to measure how far galaxies, stars, or planets are from each other, moon: a natural satellite that orbits a planet, planet: a natural satellite that orbits a star, star: a hot, bright ball of gas held together by gravity, universe: all of space and time, and the matter and energy they contain, red giant: a small star that fuses helium, causing its outer layers to expand, super giant: a large star that fuses helium, causing its outer layers to expand, white dwarf: the remains of the core of a small star, nebula: a vast cloud of gas and dust in outer space, big bang: the theory of the origin of the universe