Star Types Crossword Puzzle

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Star Types Crossword Puzzle

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  • neutron star: made of material left over from supernovas.
  • supernova: the stage of a star's life that is a huge explosion.
  • proto star: the first stage of a star's life, and when matter coalesces into a dense region in its core.
  • nebula: a cloud of gas and dust.
  • black dwarf: a white dwarf that has stopped glowing and emits no heat or light.
  • main sequence star: when a star is fusing hydrogen to helium in its core,
  • red giant: when a star runs out of hydrogen, expands, and gets hotter.
  • white dwarf: a star that has run out of fuel, and what our sun will become.
  • super giant: stars with great intrinsic luminosity.
  • black hole: nothing can escape from this star, even light.