Pluto Crossword Puzzle
Download and print this Pluto crossword puzzle.
- dwarf : pluto is this type of planet
- astronomer : clyde tombaugh's job
- thirty : pluto was discovered in nineteen _
- coincidence : antonym of predictable
- inspiring : synonym for motivating
- six : about _ plutos would fit inside of earth
- oxen : the town oxford got its name form a shallow crossing and the word _
- smaller : pluto is _ than our moon
- ploutos : this is the greek word that means wealth
- plouton : the greek god of wealth
- pluto : the roman god of the underworld
- seventeen : the number of years ago that pluto was downgraded from a regular planet
- mickey : pluto was _ mouse's pet
- plutonium : a chemical element named after pluto
- uranium : a chemical element named after uranus
- neptunium : a chemical element named after neptune