Astronomers Crossword Puzzle

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QUESTIONS LIST: aristotle: greek philosopher that believed in the geocentric model of the solar system, ptolemy: egyptian mathematician, astronomer, and geographer who wrote the "almagest" and believed in the "wheels on wheels" concept, copernicus: polish astronomer who published the first detailed heliocentric model based on the "wheels on wheels" concept, brahe: german scientist who is known for the laws on planetary motion, galileo: italian mathematician and scientist who made contributions with the early use of the scientific method and improving the telescope, kepler: german astronomer and mathematician who observed planets to not orbit in circular patterns, but rather ellipses, newton: english mathematician who invented calculus and is known for the theory of gravity, plato: thought the heavens were a perfect circular shape and therefore believed in the geocentric model of the universe, hubble: american astronomer who studied the light emitted from galaxies and is known for discovering red shifted spectrums, sagan: american astronomer who is known as a pioneer in exobiology and famously said "we are made of star stuff"