Out of This World Crossword Puzzle

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Out of This World Crossword Puzzle

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  • nebula : a cloud of gas in space where stars are born or die
  • planet : a large rounded astronomical body that is not a star or star remnants
  • orbit : the curved path of a celestial object or spacecraft around a star, planet, or moon, especially a periodic elliptical revolution
  • constellation : a group of stars that form a pattern
  • galaxy : a system of stars, stellar remnants, gas, dust and held together by gravity
  • comet : objects made of frozen gases, rock, and dust that orbit the sun
  • asteroid : a small rocky object that orbits the sun
  • star : an astronomical object made of bright, glowing matter called plasma. they’re held together by gravity and are incredibly hot.
  • meteorite : a rock that originated in outer space and has fallen to the surface of a planet or moon
  • astronomy : a natural science that studies celestial objects and the phenomena that occur in space
  • moon : a celestial body that orbits a planet
  • telescope : an optical instrument designed to make distant objects appear nearer, containing an arrangement of lenses, or of curved mirrors and lenses, by which rays of light are collected and focused and the resulting image magnified.
  • black hole : a large dark spot with extreme gravity