Lunar Mysteries Crossword Puzzle

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Lunar Mysteries Crossword Puzzle

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  • giant impact: leading theory for the moon's formation involving a mars-sized body
  • theia: hypothetical planet that collided with earth to form the moon
  • maria: dark, basaltic plains on the lunar surface
  • regolith: loose, fragmented material covering the moon's surface
  • artemis: nasa program aiming for sustainable lunar exploration
  • gateway: planned small space station to orbit the moon
  • south pole: lunar region of interest due to potential water ice deposits
  • moonquakes: seismic activities on the lunar surface
  • tides: earth-moon interaction causing oceanic movements
  • synchronous rotation: moon's same face always facing earth
  • lunar swirls: mysterious bright patterns on the moon's surface
  • mascons: concentrations of mass beneath lunar maria
  • anorthosite: predominant rock type in lunar highlands
  • sinuous rilles: collapsed lava tubes on the lunar surface
  • tranquility base: first human landing site on the moon
  • helium-3: potential future energy source found in lunar soil
  • lunar atmosphere: extremely thin layer of gases surrounding the moon
  • impact craters: dominant surface features shaped by collisions
  • lunar water: molecules of h2o detected in permanently shadowed craters
  • artemis accords: international agreement for peaceful lunar exploration