Earth, Moon and Sun Crossword Puzzle

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Earth, Moon and Sun Crossword Puzzle

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  • solar eclipse : when the moon fully blocks the sun
  • one year : the amount of time it takes for the earth to revolve around the sun
  • full moon : when the moon is fully illuminated
  • arizona : the location where earth's famous crater is
  • earth : the third planet in the solar system
  • lunar eclipse : when the moon passes directly behind earth and into its shadow
  • waning : when the lighter side of the moon gets smaller
  • asteroids : something that makes craters in the moon
  • waxing : when the lighter side of the moon gets bigger
  • twenty seven : the amount of days it takes for the moon to revolve on it's axis
  • galileo : the first person to see the moon
  • sun : the biggest star in our solar system
  • gravity : a force of attraction between two things with mass
  • new moon : the first phase of the moon
  • telescope : an object used to view stars, planets and the moon
  • revolve : when some thing circles around another object
  • atmosphere : something that earth haves but the moon doesn't
  • neil armstrong : the first man to step foot on the moon
  • rotation : when the earth spins in place
  • one month : the amount of time it takes to see all the phases of the moon