Bright Stars Crossword Puzzle

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Bright Stars Crossword Puzzle

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  • sirius : it’s the brightest
  • polaris : stellar compass
  • vega : featured in the movie "contact"
  • arcturus : brightest in northern hemisphere
  • spica : the virgin's ear
  • antares : the heart of the scorpion
  • regulus : brightest star closest to the ecliptic
  • aldebaran : in line, but not part of the hyades
  • betelgeuse : inspired a movie title
  • rigel : orion's foot
  • canopus : 2nd brightest
  • sol : our star
  • capella : the goat
  • procyon : member of the winter triangle
  • altair : fast rotating "eagle"
  • castor : the dimmer of the twins
  • deneb : the tail of the swan
  • dubhe : one of the pointers
  • fomalhaut : the mouth of the whale
  • albireo : famous colorful double star