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Health & Fitness Crossword Puzzles
Free printable health-and-fitness crossword puzzles. Download pre-made or create your own Crossword using our crossword maker. Simply download, print and start playing or play online.
primary source of nutrition for newborns,contains substances that help protect an infant against infection and inflammation,contributing to healthy …
this fruit is often associated with the saying "an _ a day keeps the doctor away.", this fruit is known for its yellow color and curved …
"i have a _ " is a safety phrase to support speak up, smiling and making eye contact helps others to approach you to _ up, leadership …
coping skills are focused on staying calm and _ , coping thoughts and skills can also be used to keep control and _ yourself from the provoking …
a chamber of the heart receiving blood from the veins; superior heart chambers, large single-nucleus white blood cell;, discharging chambers of the …
item free of all microorganisms and spores, acute symptoms subside until person recovers, a droplet transmitted disease, most difficult type of …
collection of a sample of vaginal secretions from the posterior fornix and sent to lab for results, a medication that inhibits uterine contractions, …
a substance needed in large amount for cell chemistry, storage of extra carbohydrates in the liver and muscle, a condition that may lead to heart …
known as the "silent killer" due to asymptomatic signs and symptoms, the type of hypertension with a known cause- resulting from another …
medical staff should avoid these when administering medications, _ before the surgery to make sure that a mistake is not being made, always know what …
measurement of foods in groups like protein and grains, _ grains contain the whole kernel - the bran, germ, and endosperm, the breaking down of a …
this disorder is marked by shifts in mood, energy, and ability to function resulting in manic and depression episodes, a period of intense mood …
the process of sterilization often reserved for category 3 rooms and safety cabinets, the process of sterilization using gamma rays, type of indicator …
cancer is the 2nd leading cause of cancer related deaths, difficulty in emptying the bowels, dry/hard stool, oral laxatives golytely, miralax, …
this worn when there is risk of splashing, clean first, then do this, this product is commonly used at a concentration of 1, always clean these prior …
gases that are under pressure, can cause irritation (skin and eye), flame over circle, may cause a fire by increasing the amount of oxygen in the air, …
a red berry with a sweet taste, a red fruit in a triangle shape with seeds, a blue fruit which is a superfood and a berry, a red berry with a very …
the treatment for mental health by communicating verbally, drug that can cause problems with learning and memory, feeling sad or upset over something …
likelihood increased by smoking cigarettes and can be managed with medicinal marijuana, recreational cannabis use doubles the risk for this severe …
ability of the circulatory system to supply oxygen to working muscles during exercise, the number of times your heart beats in one minute, enhances …
how many kidneys do people normally have?, what organ regulates blood pressure and helps keep bones hard, this is added to processed foods, a high …
a vague, uneasy feeling that is not centered on a specific source, emotion that is separated from the original feeling, nonspecific response of the …
healthcare policy is important because it helps establish guidelines that benefit _ , healthcare organizations, and our healthcare system, the joint _ …
a central point, as of attention, or activity, abandonment or relief from bodily or mental work, investing in your own curious effort, to solve …
worn around the lower back to provide support to the lumbar, worn to protect the body from rain, mainly cover the foot and the ankle, while some …
what is something that teens today generally engage in a lot that sometimes makes them feel bad and can contribute to lack of sleep?, what part of the …
look for packaged food that is _ in dietary fiber, vitamin d, calcium, and potassium, look for packaged food that is _ in saturated fat, sodium, and …
a diet high in fibre, proteins, fruit and veg, can be treated due to a change in diet, a potential long term effect of an unhealthy diet, this is a …
the internationally recognised standard of classifying the body weigh of adults, the state of health of a person or population accessed with reference …
an inability to control oneself in a certain situation, a state of mental or emotional strain or tension, getting _ exercise is one way that you can …