Vitamins & Minerals Crossword Puzzle
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- vitamin c: also known as ascorbic acid
- high heat: cooking temperatures can break down water soluble vitamins
- water soluble: a subgroup of vitamins that are not easily stored in the body and excreted through the urine and feces
- anemia: a condition where blood lacks adequate healthy red blood cells
- magnesium: assists more than 300 enzymes to carry out various chemical reactions
- potassium: an essential mineral that is also referred to as an electrolyte because it carries a small electrical charge
- scurvy: a disease that is caused by a vitamin c deficiency that killed as many as 2 million sailors from 1500-1800
- fat soluble: a subgroup of vitamins that are easily stored in the in the body
- iron: a component of the hemoglobin of red blood cells
- folic acid: helps prevent anemia and certain birth defects of the spine and brain
- calcium: promotes strong bones and teeth
- phosphorus: the second most abundant mineral in the body that gives structure and strength to bones and teeth
- zinc: acts as an antioxidant to help prevent further colds or illnesses
- vitamin k: helps product blood clots and is essential for the formation of strong bones along with vitamin d
- sodium: essential for fluid balance in the body and nerve and muscle function
- vitamin e: helps protect against free radicals that contribute to heart disease and cancer
- vitamin d: helps prevent brittle cones and together with calcium it can help prevent osteoporosis