Yoga Poses Crossword Puzzle

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  • downward dog: inverted v pose
  • warrior i: front-facing, arms raised pose
  • tree pose: balancing on one leg with the foot on the inner thigh
  • childs pose: resting on knees with forehead on the mat
  • bridge pose: lifting hips while lying on your back
  • plank pose: straight-line push-up position
  • triangle pose: side stretch with one hand reaching down
  • cobra pose: lifting chest while lying on your stomach
  • cat cow pose: alternating arch and round of the back
  • mountain pose: standing tall with feet together
  • chair pose: squatting while standing, arms raised
  • seated forward bend: reaching toward toes while seated
  • pigeon pose: deep hip opener with one leg forward
  • camel pose: kneeling backbend with hands-on heels
  • boat pose: balancing on sit bones with legs and torso raised
  • side plank: balancing on one hand and foot, side position
  • crow pose: balancing on arms with knees on elbows
  • eagle pose: wrapping arms and legs for balance
  • fish pose: lying on back with chest lifted
  • savasana: final relaxation pose, lying flat on the back