The Electoral Process Crossword Puzzle

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  • nomination : the process of selecting a candidate for office
  • general election : an election held to choose among candidates for office
  • caucus : a meeting of party members to select candidates or decide policy
  • direct primary : a primary election in which voters directly select the candidates
  • closed primary : a primary election in which only registered party members can vote
  • open primary : a primary election in which voters can choose which party to vote for
  • blanket primary : a primary election in which voters can select candidates from any party
  • runoff primary : a second primary election held to determine a nominee when no candidate receives a majority
  • nonpartisan election : an election in which candidates are not listed by party affiliation
  • ballot : a device used by voters to select candidates in an election
  • absentee voting : a process that allows a voter to mail or submit their vote remotely rather than attending a polling place
  • coattail effect : the influence that a popular candidate has on the success of other candidates on the same ballot
  • precinct : a geographic area that contains a specific number of voters
  • polling place : the location where voters go to cast their votes
  • political action committee : an organization that raises and spends money to elect or defeat candidates
  • subsidy : a government payment to support a particular economic activity or sector
  • hard money : campaign contributions that are regulated by law and reported to the government
  • soft money : contributions to political parties that are not regulated by federal law