Judicial Branch Definitions Crossword Puzzle

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Judicial Branch Definitions Crossword Puzzle

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  • statutory release : legal rights that entitles most offenders to be released from prison after having served 2/3 of a sentence
  • plea bargaining: the accused agrees to plead guilty to a reduced charge
  • rule of law: the principle that the laws apply equally to all people
  • perjury: deliberately lying under oath
  • crown attorney: lawyer who represents the monarch and prosecutes the accused on behalf of the state
  • jury: a group of citizens who consider the evidence given in a trial and determine the guilt of innocence of the accused
  • bail: money or other guarantee given by an accused, who is then free until the time of trial
  • subpoena: a written court order ordering a person to appear as a witness in court
  • warrant: a legal document issued by a judge authorizing police action
  • hearsay: indirect, second-hand evidence (what has been told by someone else)
  • jury tampering : trying to influence a jury member
  • self-incrimination: giving evidence against oneself
  • restitution: criminal must compensate the victim of a crime
  • hung jury: a jury that cannot come to a verdict
  • fine: a payment of money to the court by the accused as penalties for offences
  • probation: a sentence that allows a convicted offender to live in the community under suppervision