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Computers & IT Crossword Puzzles
Free printable computers crossword puzzles. Download pre-made or create your own Crossword using our crossword maker. Simply download, print and start playing or play online.
a collection of elements that are not stored in a contiguous memory location but are linked together using references, a nonlinear data structure …
a step-by-step set of instructions to solve a problem or complete a task, the process of creating moving images or visual effects to bring graphics to …
a machine that dispenses cash or performs other banking services when an account holder inserts a bank card, a global computer network providing a …
an integrated circuit that is used in technology to store subscriber information, the core software functions that allow each person to manage their …
hyper text transfer protocol, sends out data, digital information, chopped into 1500 byte pieces and sent like a puzzle that must be reassembled, …
advanced machine learning using neural networks, set of rules followed by computers to solve problems, large sets of data used for analysis and …
check that they are correctly linked to the destination you want to take the user to, do several tests and verify that they arrive correctly in the …
a set of rules and data structures that dictate how devices exchange data across networks, a secure web protocol that allows for the usage of personal …
savannah is a star here, the most popular social media application in china, their logo is a blue bird, often abbreviated to ins, xbox and playstation …
arrangement of elements so that no one part of the work overpowers a different part, element that you want to first attract the attention of the …
the topic being discussed in the email, the main section of the written work, the last part of an email. it usually includes a short expression and …
3d printing works with a 3d model in your _ , software applications on the market that cater to _ or transportation, furniture design, or fashion, …
software that helps protect your computer from viruses by detecting and removing them, the process of proving who you are, like using a password or …
device with one or more buttons that can be moved on a flat surface to control the cursor, circuitry and software that hold instructions for …
to transform raw data is into information and new knowledge, which can be used for decision making and other purposes, a common data analytics tool …
a computer program that manages input/output requests from software and translates them into data processing instructions for the central processing …
process of converting information or data into a code, especially to prevent unauthorized access, when someone uses your personal information to …
where separate technologies and functions required different devices in the past are now combined into one single device, a powerful computer …
input device in the animal kingdom, used by the visually impaired, fingerprints, a series of ones and zeros, interactive screen, gives you a location, …
text alignment where each line is positioned evenly between the left and right placeholder edges, paragraph _ is the amount of space above and below a …
enables communication between devices, computer storage device, physical parts of the computer, a transmission of data to other communications, …
a program or piece of software designed and written to fulfill a particular purpose of the user, a global computer network providing a variety of …
never share where you.., always avoid getting viruses on your computer, never.....unsafe things, never share your full.., never use someone else's …
malware disguised as legitimate software to trick users into installing it, malicious software that encrypts files and demands payment for decryption, …
emerging field combining ai and medicine, a popular machine learning algorithm, trend in using ai to generate human-like text, ethical consideration …
are a piece of malicious code that is installed without the user’s knowledge, online scam where cyber criminals use fake personas to build trust …
a named sequence of statements that performs some useful operation. func tions may or may not take arguments and may or may not produce a result, a …
database model that extends the relational model to include data cube, another advantage of multidimensional models, database model storing data in …
_ is a free web app for 3d design, electronics, and coding, popular _ types include abs, pc, petg, tpu, asa, pa, and pp, one of three vectors (x, y, …
an excel file that contains individual worksheets. also called a spreadsheet file, the identifying letters and numbers for columns and rows. columns …