Computer Generations Crossword Puzzle

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Computer Generations Crossword Puzzle

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  • machine language: the programming language of first-generation computer
  • vacuum tube: the technology of first-generation computer
  • integrated circuit: technology of third-generation computer
  • transistor: the technology of second-generation computer
  • artificial intelligence: the technology of fifth generation computer
  • abacus: an early computing device made of beads in a wooden frame
  • herman hollerith: inventor of punch card
  • supercomputer: the fastest and the most expensive computer
  • hybrid computer: a type of computer that combine the feature of analog and digital
  • hardware: a physical component of a computer that can be seen and touched
  • operating system: a system software that manages hardware and other software of a computer
  • keyboard: an input device for entering, text, numbers, symbols etc. in the computer
  • charles babbage: inventor of analytical engine and difference engine
  • pascaline: machine invented by blaise pascal
  • microphone: an input device for sending in sound or audio into the computer for processing
  • impact printer: a type of printer that prints by impacting on the printing material
  • hard copy: a copy of computer output on paper or transparency
  • system unit: a box-like compartment that houses processing parts of a computer