Machine Learning Crossword Puzzle

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  • healthcare : emerging field combining ai and medicine.
  • gradient boosting : a popular machine learning algorithm.
  • generative : trend in using ai to generate human-like text.
  • explainability : ethical consideration of ai decision-making transparency.
  • kubernetes : tool for deploying and managing ml models on cloud
  • numpy : library for numerical computations in python.
  • hipaa : a regulatory framework impacting ai development.
  • pca : technique to reduce dimensionality of data.
  • scikit-learn : tool for building decision tree models.
  • anonymity : ethical guideline to protect user privacy in ai systems.
  • jupyter : tool for interactive data analysis in ml.
  • tensorflow : popular ml framework developed by google.
  • gridsearch : technique for optimizing hyperparameters in ml.
  • imputation : ml method for handling missing data.