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Books and Literature Crossword Puzzles
Free printable books crossword puzzles. Download pre-made or create your own Crossword using our crossword maker. Simply download, print and start playing or play online.
known as the "meeting of minds", sharing of ideas and knowledge to the audience, refreshing reinvention of a traditional conference that has …
information or objects used in a crime investigation to support or disprove an idea or accusation, a person who investigates crimes and solves …
the first high priest of israel (leviticus 8:12), an animal often used for burnt offerings (leviticus 1:3), a sacred day of rest and worship …
the man who was chosen as moses' successor. (numbers 27:18-23), the mountain where moses saw the promised land before his death.(numbers 27:12), the …
researches on objects or on persons, often used by detectives, strong, thick cord made of twisted fibers, a person who is in charge of a trial in a …
the person who tells the story, the person or thing doing the action in a sentence, a synonym for "big.", a person who writes books or …
the narrator and protagonist of the novel, the japanese-australian girl whom hart falls in love with, hart’s best friend, who is a pearl diver, …
they are written by professionals in a given field, they are written for the mass public, to catch your readers interest and give them a guide to the …
summarizes key findings and recommendations, brief summary of a report, presents research results, interprets findings and summarizes key points, …
knowing what must be done does away with fear, in order to be irreplaceable, one must always be different, spread love everywhere you go, try to be a …
street name in the title of dr. seuss's first published book, name of dr. seuss's second wife, dr. seuss's real first name, setting of how the grinch …
while home may refer to the actual building someone lives in, connotatively, it most often refers to family, comfort, and security, her use of the …
emphasising points by exaggerating, repeating letters words or phrases, sydney's slippery slide, elite meet and greet, australia is a fabric woven of …
describes habitual actions, universal truths and scheduled events, describes an action that will occur in the future, an action that was completed …
“the hound of the _ ” (holmes classic), mode of transport in christie's murder on the orient express, sherlock holmes' loyal friend, agatha …
the speed in which the text is read, . every text should be organised into these, writing directly to the reader, a describing word, a question that …
avatar the last _ , clifford the big _ dog, _ ever after, _ of green gables, the one and _ ivan, the very _ caterpillar, mini rabbit is not _ , if _ …
the section that provides a brief summary of the entire research paper, this part of the introduction provides context and background information, the …
is a breakdown of a speech regarding tone,objectives, motivation, and tactics, be prepared through research and practice (know what you’re talking …
english playwright known for works like hamlet and romeo and juliet, american author, famous for novels like the old man and the sea, british author, …
english outlaw who stole from the rich to give to the poor, legendary british king who wielded the sword excalibur, powerful wizard in arthurian …
a scarcity or lack of something, a political leader who seeks support by appealing to the desires and prejudices of ordinary people rather than by …
it refers to the use of concepts or ideas that are contradictory to one another, yet, when placed together hold significant value on several levels, …
people watching or reading a story, responsible for telling the story through dance, a person role playing or imitating certain traits of a person or …
this is a free library of educational books and manuals that maybe edited, changed, and improved by anyone, this is free, open, and multilingual …
author of the story the wedding dance, the wife who can't bear a child, the woman who the man in the story needs to marry, the man who needs to marry …
i concur, you’re right, absolutely, definitely, i differ, i oppose, i object, i don’t agree, certainly, truly, undoubtedly, in fact, …
the choice of words a poet uses to show meaning, mood, or feeling, a word or phrase that can have more than one meaning, a line of poetry that ends …
antonym for "empty", the idiom "as fit as a fiddle" means, an idiom " _ two birds with one stone", an idiom "when _ …
homophone for "flower", the idiom "spic and span" means, an idiom " _ of gold", an idiom "hit the _ ", an …