Academic Writing Command Words Crossword Puzzle

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Academic Writing Command Words Crossword Puzzle

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  • account for : state reasons for; report on.
  • compare : recognise similarities and differences and the significance of these similarities and differences.
  • justify : show, prove or defend, with reasoning and evidence, an argument, decision and/or point of view using given data and/or other information.
  • analyse : identify components/elements and the significance of the relationship between them; draw out and relate implications; determine logic and reasonableness of information.
  • outline : provide an overview or the main features of an argument, point of view, text, narrative, diagram or image.
  • evaluate : ascertain the value or amount of; make a judgment using the information supplied, criteria and/or own knowledge and understanding to consider a logical argument and/or supporting evidence for and against different points, arguments, concepts, processes, opinions or other information.
  • assess : make a judgment about, or measure, determine or estimate, the value, quality, outcomes, results, size, significance, nature or extent of something.
  • describe : provide characteristics, features and qualities of a given concept, opinion, situation, event, process, effect, argument, narrative, text, experiment, artwork, performance piece or other artefact in an accurate way.
  • calculate : determine from given facts, figures or information; obtain a numerical answer showing the relevant stages in the working; determine or find (e.g. a number, answer) by using mathematical processes.
  • apply : use; employ in a particular situation or context.
  • identify : recognise and name and/or select an event, feature, ingredient, element, speaker and/or part from a list or extended narrative or argument, or within a diagram, structure, artwork or experiment.
  • explain : give a detailed account of why and/or how with reference to causes, effects, continuity, change, reasons or mechanisms; make the relationships between things evident.
  • to what extent : consider the merits or otherwise of an argument or concept.
  • discuss : present a clear, considered and balanced argument or prose that identifies issues and shows the strengths and weaknesses of, or points for and against, one or more arguments, concepts, factors, hypotheses, narratives and/or opinions.
  • account of : describe a series of events or transactions.