Film and Book Genre Crossword Puzzle

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Film and Book Genre Crossword Puzzle

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  • mystery : follows a crime from when it happened to when it is solved
  • horror : scary movie
  • musical : people will sing
  • comedy : these movies are funny.
  • drama : a serious genre of film or book
  • action : there will be a lot of fighting
  • biography : the story of someones life
  • horse : an animal the knight travels on
  • science-fiction : guardians of the galaxy is what type of movie?
  • comics : these are types of books with a lot of pictures
  • documentary : maybe they will film lions in africa or a movie about an important event that happened
  • romance : a movie genre about love
  • poetry : people like to rhyme in this genre of literature
  • adventure : in this genre there people will go find something or travel the world
  • animated : pixar makes these types of movies
  • western : cowboys
  • fantasy : harry potter is what type of movie
  • crime : someone might go to jail in this book or movie genre