Syntax and Morphology Crossword Puzzle

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  • abstract : noun type for intangible entities, unable to be detected by the five senses
  • pronoun : a finite group of words that can replace a noun
  • gerund : this type of verbal uses the present participle form to take place of a noun or pronoun
  • adjectives : comprise about 20% of words typical school-aged children speak
  • limiting : this type of adjective can include other parts of speech to take on an adjectival role
  • proper : this type of noun and adjective are typically capitalized and refer to distinct entities
  • modal : this class of auxiliary verbs denotes mood; provides information on certainty, intention, command and emphasis
  • coordinating : this type of conjunction joins words, phrases or clauses of equal weight and importance
  • happier : the comparative degree of the modifier happy
  • inflectional : this type of bound morpheme changes form but not meaning or grammatical class
  • intransitive : this type of verb may stand alone without needing an object
  • adverb : this class of words modifies an adjective or adverb
  • bound : this type of morpheme cannot stand alone as a word and takes the form of prefix suffix or affix
  • attributive : this type of descriptive adjective often precedes nouns but it may not
  • separative : this category of coordinating conjunctions and conductive adverbs includes words such as 'or', 'rather' and 'otherwise'
  • subordinating : this conjunction type is used to connect one clause to another that has less weight or importance
  • affirmation : adverbs of this type express agreement, or approval
  • fanboys : can use this mnemonic to remember the main coordinating conjunctions
  • adjective : this class of words will modify the qualities and properties of nouns and pronouns
  • preposition : shows the relationship and connects a noun or pronoun to another noun, pronoun or verb
  • where : adverbs of place answer which question word
  • auxiliary : these types of verbs cannot stand alone and often referred to as helping verbs