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Books and Literature Crossword Puzzles
Free printable books crossword puzzles. Download pre-made or create your own Crossword using our crossword maker. Simply download, print and start playing or play online.
the point from which people, events, and other details in a story are viewed, one who tells the story, the desire to know what is happening or has …
structure or organization; includes the way the words are arranged, stanza made up of 2 lines, poem that doesn't rhyme or follow a pattern or rhythm, …
diary of a young jewish girl in hiding, detailed diary of a london man, diary of a famous english writer, diary from walden pond, diary revealing a …
is a gross exaggeration, the literal,straightforward meaning of a word, happens when one thing is described as being another thing (doesn't use …
reversal of fortune for the tragic hero, a tersely phrased statement of a truth or an opinion, hero's faulty trait causing his downfall, tragic hero …
the repetition of identical consonant or vowel sounds within a single line of poetry, a pattern of beats or accents, a rhyme that involves sound that …
understanding the meaning of an utterance, sentences that request information, group of words that include a subject and predicate, sentences that …
the _ stone was discovered in 1799. it had three different scripts engraved in it, unlike chinese, english is a _ writing system, sign language is …
the very foundation of communication process is laid by the person who transmits or sends the message, the heart of communication, encoding is putting …
fit as a _ . (very healthy and strong), wouldn't hurt a _ . (inoffensive and harmless), on cloud _ . (extremely happy), like a _ out of water. (very …
the events or sequence of events that takes place in the story, the persons involved in the story, when or where the story takes place, the section of …
moving or capable of moving at high speed, a competition between runners, horses, vehicles, boats, etc. to see which is the fastest in covering a set …
the context that prompted an article or speech to be written, appealing to emotion, a character meant to contrast with the main character to highlight …
brother of moses, gave moses his name, moses staff turned into one, the first plague, the nile flowed with, river in egypt, king of egypt, moses tamed …
an individual in a literary work of fiction, drama, or narrative poetry, this type of irony a person says one thing but means another, drama that is …
some people are so nice, we say they wouldn't hurt a _ . , we say it's raining these when it is really pouring! (3 words) , if you are kidding, you …
a work that closely imitates the style or content of another with the specific aim of comic effect and/or ridicule, an adjective that describes words, …
reading strategy involving survey, question, read, recite, and review, act of adding notes or comments to a text to enhance understanding, using color …
the crime of killing somebody, a person who steals something from another person or place, a person who enters a building illegally in order to steal, …
objects, such as a tool, that were made in the past (primary source), formal talks given usually to a large number of people on a special …
a phoneme characterised by at least a partial obstruction of air, a type of word that carries the main information, generally stressed and has an …
composition in verse, the same word used two or more times in a row, words with similar sounds, the naming of a thing or action by a vocal imitation …
refers to the body of words, including their meanings and use, that a student learns and uses, facial aspect or vocal intonation as indicative of …
written by the great charles dickens tells the story of a poor boy pip who grows into magnificent riches after a rare turn of destiny and grapples …
a routine for fluency development that pairs upper-grade reader with younger children, the oral presentation of drama, prose, or poetry by two or more …
a way to celebrate a birthday, what do you wear when you go trick or treat, munchkin could not stay out of, the person who teaches, what do you call a …
a highly flammable sticky jelly used in incendiary bombs and flamethrowers, the quality of being prudent, cautiousness, cause distress to, rudely …
a reference to another work of literature, person, or event, a regular pattern of rhyming words in a poem, a figure of speech in which an object is …
writes books and stories, draws and colours pictures for storybooks, a story that usually has a moral to it, made-up stories, stories that are …
_ and prejudice: classic romance, great _ : a tale of ambition and love, moby _ : epic about a vengeful whale, to kill a _ : a powerful story of …