Poetry Devices Crossword Puzzle

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Poetry Devices Crossword Puzzle

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  • refrain : a line or phrase that recurs throughout a poem - especially at the end of stanzas.
  • beat : the rhythmic or musical quality of a poem. in metrical verse, this is determined by the regular pattern of stressed and unstressed syllables.
  • rhyme : the effect produced when similar vowel sounds chime together and where the final consonant sound is also in agreement e.g. 'bat' and 'cat'.
  • couplet : a stanza comprising of two lines.
  • quatrain : a stanza comprising of four lines
  • homonym : two or more words which share the same spelling and pronunciation but have different meanings e.g. 'pole' and 'pole'.
  • verse : either a definite number of lines of poetry or a general term for poetic composition.
  • apostrophe : poem which is directly addressed to a person or thing (often absent).
  • consonance : the repetition, at close intervals, of the final consonant sounds of accented syllables or important words
  • sonnet : a fourteen line poem usually in iambic pentameters consisting of an octave and a sestet. the octave presents and develops the theme while the sestet reflects and brings the poem to a conclusion.
  • meter : is the regular pattern of stressed and unstressed syllables that make up a line of poetry. it gives rhythm and regularity to poetry.
  • octave : a stanza comprising of eight lines
  • imagery : the creation of images using words. poets usually achieve this by invoking comparisons by means of metaphor or simile or other figures of speech.
  • homophone : two or more words which are pronounced the same but have different spelling and meaning e.g. 'saw' (to cut) and 'sore' (hurting).
  • theme : the main idea, thesis or subject matter of a poem.