Elements of Drama Crossword Puzzle

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Elements of Drama Crossword Puzzle

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  • mystery play : a play portraying a scene or scenes from the bible
  • black verse : a kind of poetry with regular meter yet no rhyme
  • farce : a type of comedy that uses preposterous characters and scenes to incite the audience to laugh
  • history chronicle : a play based on exceptional individuals or events
  • romance : a literary work about unrealistic events including characters that are unique in relation to normal individuals
  • amphitheater : an expansive, semi-round open-air theater with seats ascending in levels from a stage in the center
  • revenge tragedy : a play in which the primary motive of the protagonist is revenge
  • pageant : a dramatic presentation, such as a play that often shows a historical or a religious event
  • soliloquy : a discourse in which a character, alone in front of an audience, communicates his or her mind out loud
  • heresy : a religious theory or idea that goes against common conventions
  • allegory : a literary device in which characters, events, or objects serve as representations of principles or ideas