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Books and Literature Crossword Puzzles
Free printable books crossword puzzles. Download pre-made or create your own Crossword using our crossword maker. Simply download, print and start playing or play online.
a complete thought, every sentences has this many sides, word that modifies and adjective, subject _ is linked to the subject by a linking verb, …
to give one's attention to a sound, a formal address or discourse delivered to an audience, type of language used to convince the audience to agree, …
the last sentence in your body paragraph(s) where you connect your evidence back to your position. this can also be referred to as a linking or …
use your ideas from your prewriting, check punctuation & sentence structure, correct errors in grammar, spelling, & capitalization, finalize …
a title of a subdivision or subsection of a printed work, extra information at the end of a book, article, or other text, a word that tells about a …
a paragraph in the main part of an essay that presents and supports a specific point or sub-argument, the correct arrangement of letters to form …
use of proper language, tone, and style, avoidance of personal bias or subjective language, process of turning verbs or adjectives into nouns, quality …
exaggerating, an opinion is someone's point of view about something that is not based on fact or knowledge, using specific words to show how certain …
term used to denote multi-modality in literacy learning, pedagogical approach which places children at the heart of learning, critical literacy …
you smell like a flower, the same beginning consonants sounds, jack is a monster, easy as pie, what i feel when i read a poem, i have a frog in my …
"i'm pretty sure i got 1000 focus room referrals this week.", a comparison of unlike things, people, or ideas using “like” or “as.”, …
on april 23, tobias got to watch a _ , what animal did tobias get to hunt on january 27?, tobias went to the castle to become a _ , on may 27, simon …
kid with nits?, what kind of penny was found in the tree?, who read to mrs dubose, what was the mood the night jem and scout got attacked?, who …
the struggle between opposing forcing; that element that keeps the story moving forward, the two main types of conflicts are _ and _ conflicts., there …
holden writes stradlaters paper on _ ; causes a fight, holden's little sister; understands holden better than anyone, holden takes her on a date; left …
shakespeare's prince, "a christmas carol" author, melville's whale, "pride and prejudice" author, "1984" author, …
the feeling an author shows toward the subject of a poem, percy bysshe shelley eventually married the author of frankenstein, _ shelly, where was …
main character of the story, state sal lives in, meaning of ornery, cadaver, sal's middle name, sal's best friend, notes?, meaning of astonished, …
the name of auggie's father, the prep school auggie attends, the girl who sits with auggie at lunch, auggie has had a lot of these!, what subject does …
the friend of the main character, an exquisite cup with a foot and a stem, the main character, a delicious fruit common in egypt, a tall, slender …
quick reading to get a general idea of the content of a text, looking for a specific content in a text, a set of elements and features that surround a …
which punctuation mark is used in vocative clauses, name one of the relative pronouns, give a synonym for coordinate clauses, attributive or relative …
a reference to another work of literature, person, or event, an exaggerated statement used for effect, the perspective from which a story is told, a …
wrote sonnets and plays, known for reclusive life and short poems, author of "the road not taken", wrote "leaves of grass", author …
to plan out your writing, to carry out the action of writing, the main idea of the composition, to guide by advice or helpful information regarding …
writing used to try to convince the reader to agree, writing about tragic events; usually has an unhappy ending, writing style that uses rhythms, …
the little man cub. his name means "little frog", the movement of actors and dancers to music in a play, mowgli hunts this antagonist who …
he died in a car accident, the two pianists had a good marriage. they always were in a chord, the light flows into the bowl of the midnight sky, …
where the sidewalk _ , by shel silverstein, dr. suess book, author of the lion, the witch and the wardrobe, another book by roald dahl, a _ in time by …
books that provide factual information about real events or subjects, a genre involving magic, mythical beings, and other worlds, a story of …