Poetry Terms & Types Crossword Puzzle

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QUESTIONS LIST: blank verse : verse that does not employ a rhyme scheme. however, it is not the same as free verse because it employs a meter e.g. paradise lost by john milton which is written in iambic pentameters, sonnet : a fourteen line poem usually in iambic pentameters consisting of an octave and a sestet. the octave presents and develops the theme while the sestet reflects and brings the poem to a conclusion. the term derives from the italian for 'little song'. it has the following rhyme scheme: a-b-b-a, a-b-b-a, c-d-e, c-d-e, sestet : a stanza comprising of six lines. it is also the last six lines of a sonnet - following the octave, iamb : a foot consisting of two syllables where the first is short or unstressed and the second is long or stressed e.g. as in 'beside', meter : is the regular pattern of stressed and unstressed syllables that make up a line of poetry. it gives rhythm and regularity to poetry, enjambment : the continuation of a sentence or phrase across a line break - as opposed to an end-stopped line, beat : the rhythmic or musical quality of a poem. in metrical verse, this is determined by the regular pattern of stressed and unstressed syllables. however, free verse often features it, tone : it reveals the attitude of the poet being studied e.g. anger, love, resignation, despair, fear, boredom etc, consonance : the repetition, at close intervals, of the final consonant sounds of accented syllables or important words, couplet : a stanza comprising of two lines, caesura : a break in the flow of sound in a line of poetry e.g. in hamlet's famous soliloquy:, verse : either a definite number of lines of poetry or a general term for poetic composition, imagery : the creation of images using words. poets usually achieve this by invoking comparisons by means of metaphor or simile or other figures of speech, apostrophe : poem which is directly addressed to a person or thing (often absent), assonance : the repetition of similar sounds, usually vowel sounds. it is used to create a mood or enhance the tone of poetry or prose, stanza : one or more lines that make up the basic units of a poem - separated from each other by spacing.