Reading Terminology Crossword Puzzle

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Reading Terminology Crossword Puzzle

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  • phonics : teaching and learning the relationship between phonemes and graphemes (the sounds in english, and the letters that represent them)
  • phoneme : the smallest unit of sound that adds to a word’s meaning
  • grapheme : a letter or group of letters that represents a sound or phoneme
  • decoding : reading by ‘sounding out’; voicing each phoneme in a word, then blending the sounds to read the whole word
  • encoding : spelling by ‘sounding out’; breaking a word into individual phonemes (segmenting) and writing the corresponding grapheme in order to spell a word
  • syntax : the order of words within a sentence, and how this affects meaning
  • trigraph : a group of three letters that represents one sound, e.g. ‘igh’ like in ‘high’, ‘tch’ like in ‘match’.
  • inferencing : making a guess or figuring out something that is not explicitly stated within a text, based on the information given; ‘reading between the lines’
  • fluency : the ability to read texts with speed and accuracy, achieved through high level of word recognition and comprehension
  • digraph : two letters working together to make one sound, e.g. ‘sh’ like in ‘shop’ or ‘oo’ like in ‘boot’
  • morpheme : the smallest unit of language that has its own meaning
  • morphology : the study of morphemes; the study of words and their parts
  • syllable : a unit of sound containing only one vowel sound
  • segmenting : breaking a word up into its individual phonemes
  • blending : combining the individual sounds or phonemes to form whole words
  • comprehension : the ability to understand and analyse the meaning of texts