William Shakespeare Biography Crossword Puzzle

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William Shakespeare Biography Crossword Puzzle

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  • famous : william shakespeare was _ for the arts.
  • born : he was _ on 23rd april 1564.
  • stratford : he was born in _ -upon-avon.
  • died : william shakespeare _ on 23rd april 1616.
  • married : william _ anne hathaway at the age of 18.
  • daughter : william and anne had a _ called susanna in 1583.
  • twins : anne gave birth to _ .
  • girl : they had a boy called hamnet and a _ called judith.
  • london : he went to _ in 1580
  • tragedies : william shakespeare wrote plays called _ as well as history and comedies.
  • plays : he wrote 39 _ and many poems.
  • royalty : these plays were performed in front of _ .
  • playwright : in 1592, he was earning money as an actor and a _ .
  • birthday : he died on his _ at the age of 52.