European Vocabulary Crossword Puzzle

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European Vocabulary Crossword Puzzle

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  • republic: a government where the power is held by elected officials.
  • renaissance: the rebirth movement in europe after the plague.
  • infrastructure: roads, bridges, aqueducts.
  • plebian: the lower class or the poor class of the roman empire.
  • magna carta: rules given to the king of england in 1215 ce.
  • crusades: the fight between the christians and the muslims for the holy land.
  • oligarchy: a government run by a small group of people
  • feudalism: the society of medieval europe, ruled by kings.
  • bubonic plague: known as the black death, and caused 1/3rd of europe's population to die.
  • tyrant: an authoritarian leader, known for being cruel or unjust.
  • peasant: the working class in the feudal system.
  • cheverly: the code of honor among knights.
  • democracy: the system of government where every citizen gets a say.
  • partician: the upper class or the rich class of the roman empire