Irish History : The Troubles Crossword Puzzle

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QUESTIONS LIST: lord : king henry ii made himself _ of ireland by 1175, norman : king henry ii enforced _ rules on the irish, anglo : in 1921 the _ -irish border treaty divided ireland, segregated : catholics and protestants lived in _ communities, discrimination : catholics faced _ , as the government was controlled by protestants, unemployment : there was high _ in northern ireland, particularly amongst the catholics, nationalist : political group that want an independent and united ireland; they are catholic, unionist : political group that want northern ireland to remain in the united kingdom; they are protestant, republican : political group that want an independent and united ireland and are willing to use violence, loyalist : political group that want northern ireland to remain in the united kingdom and are willingly to use violence, paramilitary : military forces that support a political cause but aren't a recognised part of the government, sectarian : violence caused by religious division, bog side : famous battle in 1969 where irish catholics and property were attacked. the british army had to be brought in to being the fighting to an end, easter : armed uprising in 1916; leaders were executed publicly, plantation : where english protestant settlers were given land to farm in ireland, cromwell : in 1649, this leader of england led a massacre of irish catholics, with over 2,000 deaths, potato : due to a disease that killed this vegetable, a famine occurred where irish people were left to starve.