Ancient Civilization Challenge Crossword Puzzle

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Ancient Civilization Challenge Crossword Puzzle

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  • abraham : person who is important in judaism, christianity and islam
  • food : primary concern of early governments
  • mountains : protected an area from invasions and weather systems
  • gunpowder : lasting legacy of china
  • wheel : lasting legacy of mesopotamia
  • islam : religion that follows the 5 pillars
  • paleolithic : time period where humans were hunters/gatherers
  • traditional monarchy : government type that passes power through a bloodline
  • class structure : levels in a society are called this
  • theocracy : government type when religion rules
  • neolithic : time period when humans learned to farm
  • india : buddhism starts here
  • polytheistic : many god religions
  • irrigation : used to control water
  • monotheistic : one god religions
  • cuneiform : early writing in mesopotamia
  • hinduism : religion that has used the swastika to mean good luck
  • specialize : agricultural revolution happens. now people can _ their job.
  • monsoons : storms in india and china
  • dynasty : family of rulers
  • river : all ancient civilizations started by this
  • embalming : lasting legacy of egypt
  • zero : lasting legacy of india
  • hammurabi : first set of written laws