Industrialization and the "Gilded Age" Crossword Puzzle
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- philanthropy : "private initiatives, for public good, focusing on quality of life".
- entrepreneur : person or small group who starts or invests in a business in the hope of making a profit
- monopoly : a company having complete control over the supply of a product or service
- gilded : _ age is the time period from 1865-1900
- hay market : public opinion about unions swung to the "too violent" category in 1886 with the " _ affair"
- rockefeller : created a monopoly in the oil industry
- bell : invented the telephone
- carnegie : created a steel monopoly in the late 1800's
- closed : _ shops were businesses where only union members can be hired
- union : workers organized in these groups to help obtain better working conditions
- edison : given credit for producing the first effective light bulb
- strike : form of protest by labor unions in in which the worker marches outside the job site protesting
- wright : _ brothers given credit for being the first to maintain sustained flight in their airplane
- corporation : a company that is chartered by a state and recognized in law as a separate person