Sectionalism Crossword Puzzle
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- fugitive slave act : the law that encouraged slave catching
- voting : another word for popular sovereignty that applied to the kansas and nebraska territories
- sectionalism : the time period in which the connection between the north and south eroded away
- henry clay : author of the compromise of 1850
- agricultural : economy based in the south
- west : region of the country that slavery spread to with expansion
- south : which region had the biggest impact on slavery?
- abolitionist : frederick douglass was one of these
- republican : party that wanted to stop the spread of slavery
- slaves : who was the primary source of labor in the south?
- dred scott : slave who sued the us government and lost his case of "not" being a citizen
- webster : last name of a massachusetts senator known for his passion of the union
- states _ rights : political theory that gives more power to states instead of the national government
- uncle _ tom’s _ cabin : the book in which people were persuaded to become abolitionists
- industrial : economy based in the north
- textile : these were the main factories that used southern cotton
- calhoun : senator from south carolina who supported nullification