Egypt Vocabulary Crossword Puzzle

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Egypt Vocabulary Crossword Puzzle

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  • menes : this person united upper and lower egypt and was the first pharaoh of the old kingdom.
  • contract : legal agreements
  • hieroglyphics : this was the egyptian writing system.
  • nobles : these people had political power in egypt but were not as powerful as pharaohs.
  • ramses : a pharaoh that strengthened egypt's defenses and defeated the tehenu.
  • cataract : this is made in areas where there are rough terrain and rocks in the water.
  • pharaoh : this name means "great house".
  • mummy : they made people into this when they died.
  • elite : these people were wealthy and came from powerful families.
  • tutankhamen : an unimportant pharaoh whose tomb was found undisturbed.