1960 - 1990 Era Crossword Puzzle

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  • immigration: process of people moving to britain, mostly from former colonies
  • scotland: oil was discovered off its coast
  • eec: britain voted to join in 1975
  • consumerism: a culture of shopping
  • enoch powell: (5-6) conservative mp. he gave the "rivers of blood" speech
  • drugs: although illegal, use of these (including cannabis and lsd) became common in the (1960s)
  • nationalism: there was an increase in this in wales and scotland (1970s)
  • privatisation: selling publicly owned industries to private investors (1980s)
  • monetarism: thatcher's economic strategy
  • records: in 1963, 61,000,000 were sold
  • falkland: islands invaded by argentina
  • contraceptive: pill that allowed women to have greater control of their bodies
  • the troubles: (3-8) a time of violence in northern ireland
  • discontent: the winter of _ (1978-79)
  • permissiveness: greater freedoms, including gay rights and an end to censorship (1960s)
  • callaghan: "crisis? what crisis" 1970s labour pm
  • thatcher: first woman pm
  • poll tax: margaret thatcher's tax that caused riots