Early European Explorers Crossword Puzzle
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- lasalle : a frenchman who made two expeditions to the new world
- ally : a person or nation that joins with another to work toward a common goal
- columbus : discovered north america
- iberville : built a fort near biloxi bay
- slavery : a system in which people can be bought, sold, and forced to work for no pay
- chickasaw : fought desoto near present day pontotoc
- bienville : governor of the louisana colony and founded new orleans
- britain : the battle of ackia helped _ take control of ms
- conquistadors : spanish military leaders
- colony : a settlement ruled by a distant country
- louisana : a large territory named after king louis of france
- barter : exchanging goods without using money
- desoto : first explorer to reach mississippi
- choctaw : allies of the french
- trade : the buying and selling of goods and services
- expedition : a journey taken for a purpose