The fall of Berlin Crossword Puzzle
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- reichstag: the building where the soviet flag was raised on may 2, 1945, symbolizing the defeat of nazi germany
- zhukov: the soviet marshal who commanded the 1st belorussian front and accepted the german surrender in berlin
- clausewitz: the code name for the german defense plan for berlin, which was largely ignored by hitler
- katyusha: the nickname for the soviet rocket launchers that bombarded berlin with thousands of shells
- hitler: the nazi leader who committed suicide in his bunker on april 30, 1945
- konev: the soviet marshal who commanded the 1st ukrainian front and raced with zhukov to capture berlin
- redarmy: the name of the soviet military force that invaded berlin from the east and south
- vistula: the name of the river that the soviets crossed in january 1945, launching their final offensive towards berlin
- goebbels: the nazi propaganda minister who also killed himself and his family in the bunker
- ostruppen: the name for the foreign volunteers and conscripts who fought for the germans in berlin
- yalta: the conference where the us, britain, and the soviet union agreed to divide germany into four zones of occupation
- truman: the us president who succeeded roosevelt in april 1945
- elbe: the river where the us and soviet troops met on april 25, 1945
- leclerc: the commander of the 2nd french armored division, which participated in the liberation of paris and strasbourg. he also led a french detachment to berlin and signed the german surrender on behalf of france
- de gaulle: the leader of the free french forces and the provisional president of france after the liberation. he visited berlin in june 1945 and met with soviet marshal zhukov
- fuhrerbunker: underground shelter where hitler committed suicide
- eisenhower: allied supreme commander who decided not to race for berlin
- volkssturm: the german militia composed of old men and young boys who fought in berlin
- hitler youth: the nazi youth organization that participated in the defense of berlin, often using antitank rockets