Famous Romans Crossword Puzzle

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Famous Romans Crossword Puzzle

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  • sabinewomen : rome did not have enough women to create the next generation and so they stole, raped, and married women from neighbouring kingdoms.
  • scaevola : put his hand into a flame and did not cry out to show his commitment to rome
  • constantine : first christian roman emperor, relocated the capital and named it constantinopolis
  • cassandra : given the ability to see into the future, by apollo, but was cursed so that no one ever believed her.
  • romulus : first king of rome, killed his brother
  • aeneas : part of an epic poem detailing the trojan war, romulus and remus were said to be descendants of the group he formed when leaving troy
  • gaiusmarius : expanded army, offered that if non-roman citizens joined in fighting wars, they could earn citizenship
  • tarpeianrock : famous execution place, named after sabine woman killed there
  • augustus : defeated antony and cleopatra in battle, made a new roman constitution as emporer.
  • juliuscaesar : conquered gaul, crossed the rubicon, stabbed in the back 23 times
  • nero : did nothing as 2/3's of rome burned, known as a cruel emperor
  • lucretia : committed suicide after having been raped by an etruscan king, caused revolts and to establish the republic