Explorers Crossword Puzzle

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  • amerigo vespucci : proved the land discovered was not india but in fact
  • christopher columbus : as a teenager he sailed on many merchant ships
  • vasco da gama : discovered an ocean route from portugal to the far east
  • ferdinand magellan :was amazed by the calmness of this ocean compared to the atlantic
  • henry the navigator: started the first school of navigation at sagres, portugal
  • juan ponce de leon : the natives told león that water from the fountain could cure all illnesses and keep a person young forever
  • francisco pizarro : was engaged in a disturbing encounter with the incan empire, set out to conquer the inca
  • henry hudson : he failed to find the northwest passage to asia
  • john cabot : reached and explored newfoundland, canada
  • jacques cartier : on his third and final trip, his men established a fort near quebec