Travelling Vocabulary Crossword Puzzle

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Travelling Vocabulary Crossword Puzzle

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  • journey: an act of travelling from one place to another.
  • go abroad: to travel to another country.
  • sightseeing: to visit the places of interest in a city, etc. as a tourist.
  • fare: the money you pay for a journey by bus, train or taxi.
  • check out: to leave a hotel at the end of your stay.
  • traveller: a person who is travelling or who often travels.
  • book: when you arrange to buy a ticket in advance, you...
  • cruise: to travel by boat, visiting a number of places, as a holiday.
  • tour: a journey that you make for pleasure during which you visit many places or a short visit round a famous building, city, etc.
  • explore: to travel around a place in order to learn about it.
  • passenger: a person who travels in a bus, train, aeroplane, etc. but who does not drive or work on it.
  • check in: to go to a hotel, airline, etc. desk and say you have arrived.
  • currency: the money of a foreign country.
  • itinerary: a plan of a journey, route, etc.
  • destination: the place where you are going.
  • excursion: an organized trip with a group of people.
  • ticket: a piece of paper that shows you have paid for a journey.
  • trip: a journey during which you visit a place and return.
  • passport: an official document that shows who you are and which you sometimes have to show when you enter or leave a country.
  • single: a ticket to travel to a place but not back again.
  • return: a ticket to travel to a place and back again.