Airline Vocabulary Crossword Puzzle

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QUESTIONS LIST: excess baggage : heavier/more bags than you are allowed, oxygen mask : a device that goes over a person's face, provides air in case of cabin air pressure loss, airfare : cost of a plane ticket, motion sickness : a bad feeling in the stomach that passengers get during a rough ride, jet lag : tiredness due to traveling through different time zones, emergency exit : section of the plane that opens in the case of an accident, touch down : when the aircraft wheels land on the ground, row : a number of seats beside each other, refreshments : drinks and snacks, overbooked : more passengers than available seats, call light : a button passengers can press to get a crew member's attention, gate : place where passengers go to wait to board a plane, runway : the strip of land that an airplane takes-off and lands on, cockpit : the part of the plane where the captain and his co-pilots sit, taxi in : driving an airplane to the correct place for taking off, complimentary : free of charge, stopover : touching down at more than one airport during a flight, oversized baggage : items that do not fit in suitcases, bumpy : up and down movement of the aircraft, baggage claim : place where you pick up your baggage after arrival, compartment : place above the seats for storing luggage, international : worldwide, turbulence : rough flight, charter : discount airline, seat belt : device that holds passengers in their seats