Introduction to Hospitality Crossword Puzzle

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QUESTIONS LIST: front : _ of house - the departments that are seen by and work with the guests, including servers, managers, or hosts, hospitable : being friendly and welcoming to guests, professionalism : the competence or skill expected of a professional, hotel : an establishment providing accommodations, meals, and other services for travelers and tourists, buffet : a meal consisting of several dishes from which guests serve themselves, amenities : the facilities or services that make a place comfortable or enjoyable, such as wi-fi, swimming pool, or spa, event : _ management - the planning, organizing, and running of events, such as conferences, weddings, or parties, host : person who takes reservations, greets customers, and seats guests at a restaurant, service : customer _ - employee attitudes, skills, and policies that allow an operation to meet its customers’ needs and wants, osha : federal agency that creates and enforces safety related standards and regulations in the workplace, warmer : food _ - used to hold hot food for service, resume : written summary of past experiences, skills, and achievements related to a desired job, gratuity : money charged or left as a tip for service, reservation : an arrangement made in advance to secure a table at a restaurant