The Jamestown Settlement Crossword Puzzle

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The Jamestown Settlement Crossword Puzzle

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  • peninsula: land surrounded by water on three sides
  • james: this river surrounded jamestown on three sides.
  • tobacco: a cash crop sold in england
  • jamestown: the first permanent english settlement; settled in 1607.
  • africans: brought to jamestown in 1619 to work in the tobacco fields
  • women: came to jamestown in 1620 to start families
  • indentured servants: people who worked without pay in exchange for passage to america
  • raw materials: resources that virginia sent to england
  • powhatan: the indians that taught the settlers how to hunt, fish, and grow crops.
  • colonists: people who go to a new place to live
  • cash crop: a crop that is grown to sell for money
  • economic: jamestown was this type of venture
  • charter: king james granted one of these that gave permission to settle in virginia