The Cold War Crossword Puzzle

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The Cold War Crossword Puzzle

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  • communism : a theory or system of social organization in which all property is owned by the community and each person contributes and receives according to their ability and needs.
  • capitalism : an economic and political system in which a country's trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit, rather than by the state
  • cold war : a hostility between two nations without an actual fight
  • ussr : country that spreaded communism in other countries
  • potsdam : they met in this conference so they can finalised the division of germany
  • iron curtain : an imaginary line that divided europe in two halves east of the communim and west of capitalism
  • satelite states : countries that were dependent economically and politically on the soviet union.
  • dominotheory : if one country falls into communism then all those who at close by would also fall into communism
  • berlin blockade : stalin cutting off roads, rail and canals links between west berlin and west germany
  • berlin airlift : air lifting foods,caol,fuel from west germany to west berlin
  • berlin wall : a wall that was built to divided berlin into two halves
  • containment : to restrict the spread of communism abroad by diplomatic, military and economic actions