World War One Crossword Puzzle

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QUESTIONS LIST: trenches : _ provided protection from flying bullets and artillery shells, served as headquarters, first-aid stations, and storage areas, wilson : president _ declared that america would remain neutral, sussex pledge : in fear that america would enter the war, germany promised to warn neutral ships before attacking, allied powers : great britain, france, russia, japan, italy, and the united states are all part of _ , assassinated : archduke franz ferdinand and his wife were _ , balance of power : a system that prevents any one country from dominating the others, lusitania : on may 7, 1915, a german u-boat torpedoed the british ship _ , alliance system : the defense agreements among nations, autocracy : ruled by one person with unlimited power, serbia : austria-hungary sent a letter to _ , entente : an understanding among nations, central powers : germany, turkish empire, austria-hungary, and italy are all part of _ , verdan : one of the longest and bloodiest battles of wwi; more than 750,000 french and german soldiers died, propaganda : information designed to influence opinion, germans : poison gas was first used by _ , imperialism : a nations attempt to gain control of weaker nations, ethnic groups : people who share a common language and tradition, nationalism : a feeling of intense loyalty to one's country or group, militarism : a build up of military strength within a country