Populists & Gilded Age Crossword Puzzle

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QUESTIONS LIST: ellis island : point of entry into the us for european immigrants, bessemer process : steel making process, robber baron : someone who becomes rich by using ruthless business tactics, gospel of wealth : philosophy of rich helping the poor, dawes act : divided up tribal land into individual allotments, carnegie : last name of man who made his money in the steel industry, homestead act : attempt to get people to move west for cheap land, nativists : the policy of protecting the interests of natives, trust : a fiduciary arrangement allowing for profit, populism : support for the concerns of ordinary people, social darwinism : the belief the poor were inferior to the rich, tenements : rundown apartment building, monopoly : the exclusive possession or control of a good/business, vanderbilt : last name of the individual who made his money on the railroad, assimilation : to make similar to someone or something, the gilded age : period in american history in the early 19th century