Colonial Era Crossword Puzzle

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Colonial Era Crossword Puzzle

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  • exploration : traveling to new territories for the purpose of discovery
  • colonization : state sponsored settlement of people to new territories
  • mercantilism : economic policy where colonies serve as a source of raw materials to increase the wealth and maintain a favorable balance of trade for the “mother” country
  • representative : _ government - political system where policies are created by representatives selected by the people
  • charter : a contract given to someone to establish a colony
  • plantations : large agricultural enterprise where crops are grown for sale
  • region : a geographic area that share similar characteristics
  • harbor : a part of a body of water protected and deep enough to furnish anchorage
  • cash crops : a readily salable crop (such as cotton or tobacco) produced or gathered primarily for market
  • parliament : an assemblage of the nobility, clergy, and commons called together by the british sovereign as the supreme legislative body in the united kingdom
  • social contract : an agreement among the members of an organized society or between a community and its ruler that defines and limits the rights and duties of each
  • agrarian : engaged in or concerned with agriculture
  • subsistence : _ farming or a system of farming that provides all or almost all the goods required by the farm family usually without any significant surplus for sale
  • primary source : a first-hand or contemporary account of an event or topic.
  • secondary source : created later by someone that did not experience firsthand or participate in the events in which the author is writing about.
  • migration : move from one country, place, or locality to another