Famous Pharaohs Crossword Puzzle
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- thutmoseiii : he ruled after the female pharaoh, creating a vast empire; probably the pharaoh of the oppression of the jews
- sword : weapon the knight uses to defend himself
- joseph: his hebrew brothers sold him to travelling merchants. he became vizier of pharaoh
- moses: god chose him to lead the jews out of slavery, out of egypt.
- ahmose: brother of kamose who chased out the hyksos & who subdued nobles
- plagues: god sent these to teach the egyptians that their gods were useless
- amenhotepii: he was probably the pharaoh of the exodus of the jews.
- ramsesii: 19th dynasty pharaoh who claimed victory vs. mutuwallis, though untrue.
- hatshepsut: daughter of thutmose; she made herself pharaoh.
- cleopatra: she was the last of 300 years of ptolemy rulers in egypt
- darkages: a period of chaos 400 years after cheops, when nobles rebelled.
- howard carter: english archeologist who discovered king tut's famous tomb
- hyksos: foreigners from syria who invaded and ruled egypt for 150 years
- thutmose: first king buried in valley of kings
- akhnaton: changed his name from amenhotep iv to honor aton
- amon: city god of thebes
- ramsesiii: the last strong egyptian pharaoh