Westward Expansion Crossword Puzzle
Download and print this Westward Expansion crossword puzzle.
- populist party : called for the government to own railroads and telephone and telegraph systems
- cattle drive : long journeys where cowboys herded cattle to the market
- pony express : a system of messengers on horseback who carried mail to the west
- frontier : an underdeveloped area
- trans continental : a railroad that crossed the continent and connected the east to the west
- reservations : areas of federal land set aside for native americans
- deflation : a decrease in the money supply and overall lower prices
- morrill act : granted federal land to the states to be sold to raise money to build colleges
- boom towns : communities that grew suddenly when a mine opened
- buffalo soldiers : u.s. troops sent to the west to force the indians to leave
- comstocklode : a huge deposit of gold and silver that was found in nevada in 1859